For media inquiries, please contact Rekha Radhakrishnan at
- Official 9th Circuit Press Release
- Official Settlement Press Release
- Official Press Release
- Press Conference Statements:
- Alexis DeLaCruz, staff attorney, Native Disability Law Center
- Frank C., grandfather of Plaintiff Stephen C.
- Laila R., mother of Plaintiffs Levi R. and Leo R.
- Chairman Don E. Watahomigie, Havasupai Indian Tribe
- Kathryn Eidmann, staff attorney, Public Counsel
- Bryan Heckenlively, partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
- Media Coverage:
- KJZZ, “Havasupai plaintiffs hope their lawsuit forces change at the Bureau of Indian Education“, April 19
- AP, “Federal court revives claim in Havasupai education case” , March 17
- KJZZ, “Arizona tribe members settle education claims in lawsuit“, October 6
- AP, “Arizona tribe members settle education claims in lawsuit“, October 5
- Arizona Republic, “Havasupai students who sued for a better education reach settlement with federal government“, October 2
-, “Lessons Lost: Indian students have been shortchanged for generations“, August 10
- AP, “Lawsuit seeks education reform at Native American schools“, July 24
- The Atlantic, “The Longstanding Crisis Facing Tribal Schools“, Jan 12
- Washington Post, “U.S. government has ‘dismally failed’ to educate Native American children, lawsuit alleges“, Jan 12
- The Huffington Post, “Native American Students Sue The U.S. Government Over Dismal Education“, Jan 12
- Mic, “9 Havasupai Native American children are suing the US Bureau of Indian Education. Here’s why.”, Jan 12
- The Chronicle of Social Change, “Bureau of Indian Education Failed to Educate Tribal Youth, Lawsuit Alleges“, Jan 12
- Education Week, “Tribal Students Sue Feds Over ‘Shock the Conscience’ Schooling Conditions“, Jan 12
- Arizona Daily Sun, “Lawsuit faults Bureau of Indian Education schools“, Jan 13
- National Native News, News Broadcast at 1:47, Jan. 13
- KJZZ 91.5, “Lawsuit: US Failed To Provide Havasupai Children With Education Materials, Classes“, Jan. 13
- The Arizona Republic, “Havasupai students sue federal government for better teachers,” Jan. 18
- Cronkite News, “Lawsuit claims Havasupai students are deprived of ‘basic general education’”, Jan. 18
- Navajo Times, “Havasupai students, NADLC, sue the BIE,” Jan. 20
- The New York Times, “Barely 2 R’s Are Taught at School That Led Tribe to Sue U.S.,” Jan. 23
- Indian Country Today, “Havasupai Children File Suit Against BIE for Failed Education,” Jan. 26
- Indian Country Today, “Landmark Civil Rights Lawsuit Pits Havasupai Children Against the BIE,” Feb. 23
- The Republic,, “A hidden tribe, a disastrous school and finally, a cry for help,” Mar 15
- Mic, “On the Havasupai Indian Reservation, a failing school has sparked a battle against the government,” April 30